Basavanna was born in
Bagewadi, a town in Hungund taluk in Bagalkot district (former Bijapur
district) of Karnataka. Bagewadi is 20 kilometer away from Hungund. Some historians
opine that Basavanna was born in Ingaleshwar, the parents’ place of Madalambe.
Madaras and Madalambe were parents of
Basavanna. Madaras was town president of Bagewadi. He belonged to Kamme Brahmin
community. Kamme Brahmins are also called Aradhyas and Smartha Brahmins. They
are half Brahmins and half Veerashaivas. It is definite that Basavanna was born
in Veerashaiva Brahmin family. Veerashaiva Brahmins are worshippers of Personal
Linga (Istalinga) but they do not wear Linga on their person but keep their
Linga in the pooja room. Madaras and Madalambe were of Veerashaiva-Brahmin
Lakkanna Dandesh said, Basavanna was born
at mid-night on Monday, Kartik Shudda Purnime of Hindu year ‘Shiddarthiama
Samvatsara’. This Hindu year coincides 1131 A.D. Researchers have concluded
that Basavanna was born during 1131 in Bagevadi/Ingaleshwar. Every year, ‘Bssava
Jayanti’ is celebrated on Vaishaka Shudda Tritiya, Rohini Nakshatra.
Nagamma was the daughter of Madaras and
Madalambe. After her birth, Madalambe did not bear children for long period.
She worshipped Nandikeshwara and bore Basavanna. Nagamma was elder to Basavanna
by 12 years.
Madalambe was a chaste woman. Madarasa
observed rite of single wife. He was a religious and kind person engaged in
charity and was a philanthropist. He was very popular in the society. When
Basavanna was born to the couple, the new-born baby was still without any
movement. The baby did not cry even. The parents were surprised and were
worrying. In this situation, godly saint Jatavedamuni (Eeshanya Guru)
accidentally happened to visit Madaras’s house. He welcomed the Guru with
devotion. The Guru sat by the side of the baby, looked sharply at the baby and
smiled. He breathed with satisfaction saying okay. He wiped the face of the
child with a cloth dipped in warm water, applied bhasma on the forehead, tied
rudrakshi and Linga around the neck. Further, the Guru pronounced Panchakshari
hymn in the ears of the baby and called, “Come on Basava, come on.” Hearing the
call, the baby was awakened, moved sidewise, opened the eyes and smiled at the
Guru and the parents.
The parents jumped with joy seeing their
child activated, the mother lifted the child to her lap and breast-fed. They
placed the child at the feet of the Guru and uttered, “We dedicate the child to
your grace.” The child was named ‘Basava’ as pronounced by Guru.
The boy Basavanna grew in the company of
his elder sister Nagamma all the time. Nagamma was not only sister of Basvanna,
but she was the catalyst of his revolutionary ideas and moulded him for the mission
in his life. It would be proper to call her as his first guru. That was a dark
age for women; Nagamma could not advance herself with her thoughts. She
prompted her brother who was like a ball of fire to implement her aim.
In those days it was the custom that the
girls should be married at the age of 14-16 years. Accordingly, Nagamma was
married with Shivadev (Shivaswamy), younger brother of Madalambe. She moved to
her husband’s place Ingaleshwar, when Basavanna was 4 years boy. He started to
whither with the separation of his beloved sister.
As per the religious tradition, Madaras
performed Uupanayan of Basavanna at his age of 8 years. Upanayana was held
against the wish of Basavanna. He could not tolerate it and cut threw the
Janiwara put on his body during upanayana. With Linga in his neck blessed by
the Guru at the time of his birth he ran away from Bagewadi. He joined Gurukula
at Kudala Sangama..He did not like to stay with the people floating in the
stagnant water of blind beliefs and immoral customs and had migrated to
Eeshanya Guru was the head of Sangamesh
Monastery at Kudala Sangama. He was the head of free education centre there. He
liked to reform the society including religious heads. He was a highly learned
personality engaged in rendering free education, free food and free medicine.
without distinguishing between people of his own or outsider, of his religion
or other religion. Basavanna spent about ten years in the splendid company of
the Guru and turned to be a matured man. He was capable of rescuing the old
Hindu religion from the peril of all superstitions.
Madaras and Madalambe visited Kudala
Sangama to meet their son Basavanna and to persuade him to return to Bagewadi.
But they failed in their efforts. Basavanna comforted his parents and advised
them to return to Bagewadi. Disappointed parents entrusted the responsibility
of taking care of Basavanna to their daughter Nagamma before their return. To
fulfill the desire of the parents, Nagamma shifted to Kudala Sangama with her
husband Shivaswamy and her child Channabasava.
Basavanna spent ten years with his Guru in
Kudala Sangama. He was a youth of 18 years age. He had completed study of
Vedas, Puranas, Shastras etc. He had thorough knowledge of Sanskrit and Kannada
languages. He was disgusted to see ill-culture in the name of God and felt pity
for the illiterate innocent non-Brahmins being deceived in the name of God.
Brahmins though literate were committing the same sins like ill-literate non-Brahmins
by offering goat as sacrificial animal. Basavanna decided to reform the society to bring an end
to such violence. Superstitions should be eliminated. Division of the society
on the base of castes is injustice. He had several such ideas in his mind. To achieve
his goal he had decided to remain bachelor.
Ingaleshwara was parents’ place of
Madalambe. She had three brothers, Siddaras, Baladev and Shivadev. Last brother
Shivadev had married her daughter Nagamma. Another brother Baladev was minister
in the court of Bijjala in Mangalawad. Baladev had a daughter, Gamgambike. Gangambike
had lost her mother and was brought up as an affectionate daughter of Baladev.
She had studied Sanskit, Kannada, Music, Sward-fighting, and Archery. She had
reached marriageable age. Baladev was in search of suitable groom. He had heard
the praise of Basavanna from the people who attended the fare at Kudala
Neelambike, poster sister of king Bijjala
was intimate friend of Gnngambike, They used to be together all the time. They
played together, ate together and were together almost all the time. They
desired to be together throught whole life, but how it is possible. It is
possible if they married a single person. Neelambike was also of marriageable
age. Gangambike had openly expressed her desire to her father when he began the
search for the groom.
With a proposal to marry both Gangambike
and Neelambike to Basavanna, minister Baladev visited Kudala Sangama to meet
Eeshanya Guru. Guru welcomed the minister and heard the proposal from him. Guru
thought for a while silently. He knew the decision of Basavanna to remain
bachelor dedicating himself to the service of society. Guru felt it would be
easy for Basavanna to achieve his ambition with political support. He called
him and suggested to marry both Gangambike and Neelambike. Basavanna was not a
man to hurt Guru and bowed his head to the suggestion of the Guru. Baladev felt
very happy with the success of his mission. He humbly touched the feet of Guru,
had Prasad in the monastery and returned to Mangalawad. Polygamy was a common
practice in those days.
Marriage of Basavanna with Gangambike,
daughter of the minister and Neelambike, sister of the king was celebrated
magnificently. With the blessings of Guru, Basavanna shifted from Kudala
Sangama to Mangalawad. He stayed in the house of his father-in-law; Baladev. Basavanna
who believed in hard work was not comfortable to spend idle time luxuriously in
the minister’s house. He secured a job of Karanik (clerk) in the court of
Bijjala and settled separately with his wives, His sister Nagamma had also
shifted from Kudala Sangama to Mangalwad.
Bijjala was ruling in Manglawad as
subordinate of Chalukya king of Kalyana. Basavanna was staying with his family
in Mangalawad working as karanik in the court of Bijjala. He had started his
program of social reform slowly in Mangalawad. Chalukya king Tailapa in Kalyana
was a very weak king. Bijjala, being an ambitious person took advantage of
weakness of Tailapa and gained administrative powers of Chalukya kingdom in
1154. After the death of Tailapa, he declared himself as the emperor of
Chalukya kingdom. Basavanna shifted to Kalyana in 1155 to continue to work as
karanik in the court of Bijjala.
A copper plate was traced in the palace of Bijjala . None of the scholars in the
court could read the script in the plate. But an ordinary karanik, Basavanna
could read and explain the secrete contents in the plate to the king. As per
the important message contained in the plate which was confidentially revealed
by Basavanna, Bijjala could get huge wealth of sixty-four crore gold coins
buried under the throne. Bijjala appreciated the intelligence and honesty of
Basavanna. He got married his sister Neelambike to him as opined by some
historians. It means that only Gangambike was married to Basavanna earlier.
After the death of Baladev, Basavanna was elevated as Mahamantri.
Basavanna was now brother-in-law of the
king and Mahamantri. He was an important person in Kalyana deriving respect
from every one and every where. His program had already started in Mangalwad.
He continued it in Kalyana vigorously. Basavanna was youth of 24 years. His attractive
personality, his nature of selfless service, his attitude of receiving everone
with respect were arrtacting the mass towards him like magnet attracts iron.
Basavanna was born in the Veerashaiva Brahmin family. He was adorned with
Istalinga by the Guru on his birth. He gave the covering touch of Veerashaiva
Religion to his aim of creating a self-complete, all-round decorative community.
The sanatan (ancient) Hindu religion is
based on Karma Doctrine and sanctions Varnashram System i.e. caste system
dividing the society into four groups, Brahmin, Kshatriya, Vaisya and Shudra. Brahmins
ware considered high born and Shudras as low born. It corrupts human springs.It
does not speak with one voice to all human beings. Basavanna overruled caste
system. His Bhakti Doctrine denounces the notion of high born and low born; all
are equal enjoying equal religious rights.
Till then, area of activity of women was
restricted to kitchen and bed-room. Women were treated as personal slaves in
every family. Even in that dim age, Basavanna advocated for equal social and
religious right for women.
Basavanna eliminated blind beliefs and
superstitions. He disliked exploitation of uneducated low born innocent people
by educated high born Brahmins under the pretext of meaningless religious
Basavanna denounced penance or atrocious
ordeals to body to obtain grace of God. Only zealous devotion can lead to the grace
of God.
Basavanna’s concept was, God is impersonal
and supernatural power. God is as large
as universe. His size can not be measured even in terms of light-years.
Different religions call God by different
names. Basavanna passionately held a conviction of ONE GOD. ‘Names many, God is
but ONE’.
Basavanna questioned which religion does
not believe in Kindness. Kindness is the base of all religions, he advocated.
‘Kayakave Kailas’ (Work is Worship) is the
slogan of Basavanna. He salutes the devotee who follows an occupation, however
humble. The spirit of Kayaka implies that the work should be done well with a
sense of dedication and should be done to the glory of Shiva (God).
The following seven Commandments form the
part of code of conduct of the followers of Basavanna:
1…not steal
2…not kill
3…no falsehood foul thy tongue
4…not anger
burn thy brow
5…bear with
one another
all men
7…stand not
high in thy own esteem.
Since hundreds of years, Shudras were
subjected to suppression by Brahmins.They were ill-treated and were serving the
high born, only for two square meals of the day. The message of social reform
aired by Basavanna awakened their hopes. They felt like birds let out of the
case into the free air. They surrounded Basavanna to follow the path showed by
Lakhs of people were visiting Basavanna’s
house every day. His house was called Mshamane (Great House). Free food was served
to the guests everyday. Gangambike, Neelambike and Nagambike were looking after
the management in the Mahamane.
Basavanna wished that his teachings should
reach the lettered and unlettered. The corpus of his teachings is embodied in
simple verse-form known as Vachanas, composed in common man’s language Kannada.
’Kudala Sangama Deva’ is the ankitanama of the vachanas of Basavanna. Vachanas
can be read as prose as well as can be melodiously sung. Neelambike used to
sing Basava vachanas in musical form.
Vachanas have home-some quality, are
simple, direct with metaphors and analogies drawn from folkways and full of
homely wisdom of people usually from the most realistic sources. They are deep
sprung with spiritual insights and charged with mystic overtones. They are
potent and evocative rather than dry matter statements. Vachanas convey a
supernatural experience in the language of everyday visible things. They are
capable of connecting up the minds of hearer with reality.
Basavanna organized ‘Anubhava Mantapa’ (Spiritual Academy ). Allama Prabhu, a great scholar
saintly-guru was the first president of Anubhava Mantapa. Spiritual issues were
discussed there. Like Basvanna, many of his followers composed vachanas with
their ankitanama. All vachanas were supposed to have been first inaugurated
before Anubhava Mantapa, discussed and received imprimatur before propagation.
The proceedings in Anubhava Mantapa were
quenching the philosophical thirst of spiritual people. Apart from Allama Prabhu,
there were several great sharanas like Akka Mahadevi, Siddaram (from Solapur),
Madivala Machayya (washerman), Hadapada Appanna (barber), Madar Channayya
(harijana), Samagara Haralayya (cobbler), Nuliya Chandayya (weaver), Dohara
Kakkayy (holeya), Ambigara Choudayya (boatman) etc.
Anubhava Mantapa was a new democratic
experiment, There was no autocracy of anybody there. It is similar to our
parliament in New Delhi today. Only difference is, only political issues are
discussed in the parliament and only religious issues were discussed in
Anubhava Mantapa. It is a matter of pride that democracy was born in twelfth
century only, in Kannada Nadu, first in the world world.
Basavanna’s vision of faith awakened the
hearts of millions of the followers to the new conception of God. They felt
spiritual fulfillment. His teachings assumed the magnitude of powerful movement
and became irresistible for all those who had turned away from old faith. Anna
Dasoha (serving free food) was going on in Mahamane and Gnana Dasoha (serving
of knowledge) was going on in Anubhava Mantapa. Name of Basavanna was the talk
of town in Kalyana.His name had spread far and wide. Popularity of Basavanna
was at its zenith.
For any popular work being done, there
would always be people to criticize it. They criticize for the sake to
criticize. Purohitshahi Brahmins feared that their supremacy in the society
would be lost by the social reform program of Basavanna. They planned a
machination. They made an allegation to king Bijjala that Basavanna is
plundering treasury for anna-dasoha in his Mahamane.
Bijjala was an ambitious person, an egoistic man. He could not tolerate
the popularity of his minister. He desired, people in his kingdom should praise
only him, nobody else. Basavanna may be his brother-in-law, then what? He was
feeling jealous of his growing popularity. He immediately took action when he
received complaint against Basavanna for misappropriating funds from the
treasury. He ordered to lock and imprint Mahamane. Sharanas did not sag by the
order of the king. They made alternate arrangements, continued Anna Dasoha as
usual. Basavanna declared, “Nanu Bijjalaniganjuvene?” (Am I afraid of Bijjala?)
He continued his work of social reform.
Basavanna celebrated the marriage of
Sheelavanta, son of Samagar Haralayya (cobbler) with Kalavati, daughter of
Madhuvaras (Brahmin). Both Haralayya and Madhuvaras belonged sharana community.
The marriage was quite normal in Sharanas tradition. But it appeared to be an
inter-caste marriage between a Brahmin girl and cobbler boy to Purohit
Brahmins. Their eyes were already red and waiting for suitable opportunity to
finish off Basava movement.. They aimed to push him out from Kalyana, Kalyana
should be cleaned from sharanas and Vachana literature should be destroyed.
They planned a stratagem. A large deligation approached Bijjala carrying tale
against Basavanna:
“Basavanna’s popularity is growing fast
day by day. People may revolt against you to dethrone and he may replace you.
Better, you must take precaution now. Please deprive ministership from
Basavanna and deport him from Kalyana.” Already Bijjala was burning with
jealousy against Basavanna. The tale carried by the Purohits added fuel to the
fire. He called Basavanna to his court, reprimanded him, asked him to resign
from the ministership and to quit from Kalyana forthwith.
Basavanna was not deterred by the arrogant
order of Bijjala. He lost no time to remove the crown of ministership and
placed it before Bijjala. Be thanked him for his co-operation till then, He
left Kalyana straight from the palace of Bijjala, without informing any of his
associates, even his wives. This happened in 1167. Twelve years’ stay of
Basavanna in Kalyana came to an end.
Basavanna had left from Kalyana abruptly.
He was undecided about where to go. He came to Kudala Sangama to call on his
Guru. To his misfortune, his Guru was no more; he had already merged with
Linga. Basavanna was in great distress. The man who was among lakhs of people
till now was lonely now. He had left Kalyana without informing even his wives,
he felt very sorry. He asked Hadapad Appanna to proceed to Kalyana to bring
Gangambike and Neelambike to Kudala Sangama.
The situation in Kalyana was dreadful when
Appanna reached Kalyana. The eyes of Haralayya and Madhuvaras were cut removed
to make them blind and they were tied to the leg of an elephant and dragged
till death. Both were executed in a brutal manner. Sharanas community was
already in great distress by sudden separation of Basavanna. They felt great
trauma when Haralayya and Madhuvaras were executed brutally. They could not
further tolerate when they came to know about the efforts to destroy Vachana
literature. They revolted. Bijjala was murdered. Sharanas were accused of the king’s
murder. Bijjala’s son ordered his military to kill Sharanas. Kalyana was
looking like battle-field.
Sharanas were preparing to vacate Kalyana,
Lingi Rudramuni Swamiji had built a small army for protection under the leadership
of Madiwala Machayya and Channabasavanna. Gnngambike was trained in warfare
during her childhood. She felt, it was her duty to look after the safety of
Sharanas during the journey. She refused to accompany Appanna to Kudala
Sangama. Neelambike who was in great distress by the separation of Basavanna
was in contemplation, visualizing her husband in her Linga in hand. She also
did not accompany Appanna.
Appanna returned to Kudala Sangama alone.
He narrated the situation in Kalyana to Basavanna who was stunned on hearing
the tragic news. He was under great shock to hear the murder of Bijjala who was
his friend apart from being his brother-in-law, atrocities on Sharanas and the
efforts to destroy Vachana literature. He could not tolerate the catastrophe.
There was nobody around him to console. He could not do any thing. Pronouncing
“Saku madai thande lokadatavaninnu” (Oh God, please end my role in this world)
he sat for meditation rejecting food and water at the place of confluence of Krishna and Malaprabh rivers. He never got up again, he
died. Pull of womanhood overtook the pull of philosophy on Neelambike at
Kalyana. She abruptly left for Kudala
Sangama to join her husband. But it was too late. She could get only the
lifeless body of Basavanna sitting in meditation mood.
Some selfish hypocrites were responsible
for the loss of a precious life of Kannada Nadu. If Bijjala had cooperated with
Basavanna in his brave efforts to reform the society, caste system would have
been totally eradicated in Karnataka. Bijjala’s name would have been recorded
in the history with Basavanna if he had dared to advise a few people to mend
their behavior and Karnataka would have been a model state in the whole country without any castes.
Even in today’s society, every day we come
across the hypocrites similar to those in Basavanna’s time. One should be
cautious about them.
Realizing the importance of ‘Kalyana
Kranti’, statue of Basavanna has been erected
in front of parliament in New Delhi .
I request the author to clarify the following
ReplyDelete1) If janivara i a symbol. Linga is after all another symbol of GOd. Why did Basava create a confusion by showing direspect to one symbol to eulogise another.
2)He wanted a cateless sciety by creating conflict and instead and seemed to be in too much of a hurry for self glorification? the very fact that his mission was never accomplished in practice from the very year of its origin calls for introspection. compare with Sri chaitanya or later sri ramakrishna they proved and demonstrated that only after a person becomes a true devotee of god the caste falls off. it is like the coconut tree shedding its twigs.
30While he wrote some exemplary vachanas some of his vachanas are either implanted by others to pread hatred in his name. See the vachana Vedavanodi ravana ketta. instead of recognizing ravan; craving for lust and power as the rean for his downfall, it gives a misleading and mischievous twist.
30 if you see his vachana Ullavaru shivalayava, which clearly reflects the famous sanskrit verse, Deho Devalay Prokto----, I feel strongly That basva was in a real sense not advocating the wearing of any symbol but was in essence a nirguna Upasaka
4)If the vedic practices are all stupid, why is that aalmost identical shaiva agamas are accepted.
5)God is nameless and formless which also implies allforms are part of his. so why call him as only Shiva and not as vishnu. A child can call his father or mother by any name.
60 the narrow sectarian view of extreme shaivism and extreme vaishnavism akin to christinaity and islam led to fall of india due to infighting.
7)those who visit vijayanagar can see a standing testimoney of this in the destruction of vaishnavite symbols
80On the otherhand see the grandeur of ajanta caves where everything edxists without dissension.
9)There is a need for oul searching by all indians and factual research on Basva
10) the authors story of amme brahmins being Veeashaivas is cok and bull Ekam sat Vipra bahuda vadant.story based on little evidence
11 kamme brahmins constitute a vat sector of current day Brahmins and they are definitely not veerashaiva but are famous fr their equanimity and acceptance of all others viewa as other facets of truth. Ekam Sat Vipra bahuda vadanti
1) Every country has its own national flag- only one flag, not two or
many. Similarly, Christians have their religious symbol ‘holy cross’, only one symbol
Basava was already adorned with Linga by his birth. When a janivara was forcibly put on his body by his parents by conducting upanayana, he did not like to possess both linga and janivara. He preferred to have linga and cut threw the janivara.
Please note following Basava Vachana;
‘Name many, God is but one. A chaste wife knows none but only her husband,’
Basava had no issues with janivara, But he had issues with some people who were inflicting atrocities on innocent people under the disguise of their religious supremacy.
Thus, Basava did not create any confusion. Only people with biased out look are themselves confused.
2) Basava never tried to glorify himself. His popular ideology attracted millions of suppressed people who felt like the birds freed from the case into the fresh air. People from far and wide flocked him. His popularity reached zenith. People who were enjoying religious supremacy feared their importance in the society would be lost and they hatched a conspiracy to eliminate Basava.
Please note, Basava sacrificed everything of his, because he stood by his principles to see a casteless society.
People wearing coloured glass express coloured opinions.. After all, it is freedom of expression. Much importance should not be attached to such writings and should just ignore them.
3) In his Ramayana., Valmiki portrayed Ravana as a wicked person. He opined, Raavana was a sexy, cunning, cruel and haughty person. Contrary to Valmiki, Nagachandra, known as’Abhinava Pumpa’ in his Ramayana he portrayed Ravana differently. His Ravana was a noble gentleman. He praised him as a dignified, respectable, religious person and he honored other women as his sisters and mother etc etc.Please see the difference. Everything depends on the background and state of mind of the writer.
As regards Ravana of Basava, Basava had never tried for the character assassination of Ravana. Please read the Vachana of Basava;
‘Ascribe not love of music (tapasya) to the Lord. No lover of music He. Nor lover of Vedas, Vedic lore loves not He. Consider Ravana, foe music favor forfeited half his life span. Or Brahma, versed in Vedas lost his head. No lover of music or lover of Vedas, save hold the devotee in felicity.
The intension of Basava is ‘though Ravana did hard tapasya, it did not help him, God likes only honest devotion’. By this, Basava stressed on the importance of devotion. Basava ideology is based on ‘Bhakti Marg (Path of Devotion).
Other points of the comments are overlapping. For replies to these points, please refer to my other article ‘Essence of God- Basava Philosophy’.
Basava was born in Kamme Brahmin family who were Shaivites. Further, Basava, in his childhood spent a long period of ten years with Guru who was a worshipper of Shiva. Naturally, Basava called GOD by name Shiva. Some Hindus call God by name Vishnu, Muslims call Allah, Christians call Jesus and so on. Basava said, “Names many, God is but ONE.” Shiva, Vishnu, Allah, Jesus etc are different name of only one God. It implies universal brotherhood..
Atmalinga that Basava advocated is in fact a symbol of dedication to his principles In the course of time Atmalinga has turned to be a symbol of Lingayat Religion like holy-cross of Christians and janivara of Brahmins etc. There is nothing wrong in it.
According to Basava Philosophy, God is not a person, but an universal power, shapeless, size less etc. A supernal spark of this universal power is deemed embedded in Atmalinga that every Lingayat wears. Holding Atmalinga in the palm of hand, is a point of concentration of mind, forgetting momentarily the physical world leading to eternal piece..
Some Vijayanagar kings were Vaishnavites and some were Shaivites, but they were never fanatics.
I have tried to convince about the universal nature of Basava ideology.
3) In his Ramayana., Valmiki portrayed Ravana as a wicked person. He opined, Raavana was a sexy, cunning, cruel and haughty person. Contrary to Valmiki, Nagachandra, known as’Abhinava Pumpa’ in his Ramayana he portrayed Ravana differently. His Ravana was a noble gentleman. He praised him as a dignified, respectable, religious person and he honored other women as his sisters and mother etc etc.Please see the difference. Everything depends on the background and state of mind of the writer.
DeleteThis is the most ridiculous argument.Just because people honored him as 'Abhinava Pampa' does not make the facts wrong. Abhinava Pampa himself must have been a very bad person himself to see something good in Ravana. If a person is doing wrong thing, irrespective of the state of mind, it is wrong.
If somebody preaches religion and also teaches to hate other religions then the person has failed to understand the reason of a religion.If Basava disrespected janivara by tearing it apart, it does not convey a good message at all.
DeleteI came across your questions on this post. Here are the answers with the numbering that matches yours.
Ishta linga existed as a representation of Shiva from much before times of Basavanna. Veerashaivam (Shiva advaita or Shakti Vishista Advaita) proposes Ishta linga as the form of worship. It is explained as a form of workshop adopted not just by humans but also devas (demi gods) including Vishnu, Brahma and others. Whether the current day brahmins believe it or not, it is the fact explained in Shaivaagamas.
Basavanna was not trying to self glorify on casteless society. It is the situation that makes you think that way because you don't understand where he was coming from. As per Siddanta Shikamani, a person who takes up shiva deeksha (ishta linga deeksha) looses his previous identity. Such a person gives up former life, caste etc. They are supposed to respect each other without following varnaashramas It is clearly explained that a father should find a fellow practicing veerashaiva as a husband for his daughter (not according to varna). Basavanna was just following those rules. These rules were not invented by Basavanna.
On the other hand Ramakrishna or others did not give up the brahmin way of varna-ashrama dharma, In such as case they would attain casteless situation only during the last stage (sanyasa) as you explained. Those rules don't apply to veerashaivas.
Well, the intent of Basavanna was different. In your example, he said that Ravana ran behind Vedas but he did not get long life. His bhakti was not without expectations. Basavanna was a proponent of nishkama karma and nishkama bhakti. People started taking his vachanas out of context and giving incorrect interpretations and started fighting based on that. I agree with you on that part of confusion. But that was not Basavanna's part. It is problem with people who interpret without understanding the intent.
==> Of course, he was nirguna upasaka. But as per the Siddanta shikamani, the nirguna brahma (or parashiva) exists in three forms Ishtalinga, Prana linga and Bhavalinga. In order to perceive Prana linga and Bhava linga, worship of ishtalinga is essential.
Basavanna also said that linga dheeksha is not for everyone. It is only for people who are eligible and are committed. So unless you are dedicating yourself to attaining moksha, you are not of the right mindset to acheive deeksha. You are better off worshiping saguna murthis.
==> It is a misconception that all vedic practices are stupid. I am not sure when this confusion started. But as per Siddanta shikamani, Veerashaivam is part of vedic context and shaivaagamas. IMO, Basavanna was against the karma vaada (without recognizing the authority of Shiva), which is very similar to what Adi shankara argued with Mandala Mishra. Veerashaivas go to the next level of rejecting the yagnas, jandhya (janivara) and other brahmin practices and directly take the stage equivalent to sanyasa, although it is not exactly equivalent. That's why they don't even burn the body(like sanyasis). Veerashaivam guarantees moksha, **if followed correctly**. Again you should understand that this is coming from Shaivaagamas. Not a new invention.
Unfortunately the current day followers without reading and understanding much blindly oppose Vedas.
Delete==> Per Shaivaagamas, Shiva is the supreme. In your understanding you are thinking Shiva as Rudra (the laya karta). As per Veerashaivas, Shiva is the nirguna brahma above Rudra, Vishnu and Brahma. There is no way you can compare Shiva with the lower level deities. You can say Vishnu was created by Shiva or part of Shiva. But Vishnu is not the same as Shiva. Vaishnavas and Brahmins may have their own interpretations. But Veerashaivas don't agree with that. Read Shivaanandalahari, even Adi Shankara puts Shiva on the top of Vishnu. Only later day advaitins have made Shiva and Vishnu equal. Veerashaivas don't agree with that.
==> Well infighting was always there irrespective of Christianity or Islam. It was due to Vaishnavam not Shaivam. Shaivam has always existed in this country. Vaishanavam was introducted to create the conflict.However, the conflict and infight was more on a civil level (argumentative) rather than real fights. In some cases it ended up with actual battles.
AFAIK, this was done both to Shaiva and Vaishnava temples by muslims. In any case, if you take that kind of an argument, there are several temples converted to Vaishnava temples by ShriVaishnavaites - ShriKuurmam, Tirumala, and many others where Shiva temples. Please do your research.
9)There is a need for oul searching by all indians and factual research on Basva
==> It is a fact that Jataveda muni tied Linga to Basavanna's neck when he was born. Why would his parents allow that to happen? You should research on Aaradhya brahmins in Andhra who worship ishta linga (even today) but they consider themselves to be brahmins. I know such people and have lived with them as neighbor.
Now, can anyone be sure if Basavanna's parents were Veerashaivas or not. It cannot be clearly said. However, if you read basava purana, it is clearly evident that their guru is a veerashaiva. Which makes us believe that what the author said about is correct.
Basavanna's life history is an idealistic live example to the humans. The thatva that's ideology of bsssvanna is for leading a ethical life.
DeleteVishnu is not a God. He is made to born as source of feeding luxurious life lazy people. Veda do not reflect awatar. Lord shiva is called Mahadeva. In puranas where all other so called Gods took birth visited Shiva for survival in emergency. why did Vishnu did not drink Halahal if he was a God?
DeletePlease don't do politics with Our Culture, you are free to worship any god. No need to condemn other's.
DeleteEven if you are Non believer, then also no one will torture like Infidals in Abrahmic religions.
Janivara is a symbol of gender discreminaation and dispaarity between different professions. The woman cannot be wear janivara. Whereas the LINGAM is a symbol off equality for men and women. There's is no gender discrimination those who wear KAARALINGAM. The Vachanas are written in Kannada language and are all helpful for personal development. But Chaitanya prrabhu advocated the person statue worship ands he neglected self realisation with self respect brother.
DeleteKindly discuss with us ANUBHAVA SANGAMA of Western coastal of Bharat nation phone number 8431939380
DeleteYou are nothing in front of the Lord Basavanna. Please keep your frustration to yourself.
DeleteBasavanna took objection to wear janivara protesting against inequality between male and female and female were not allowed to wear janivara. In Other side all veerahsiva male female were wearing istha linga. So Mahatma Basavanna was not having any objection to wear istalinga. He was great social reformer. But it is very bad that our community is getting divided in the name of veershaivas and lingayats. Basavanna made all rituals and all Sanskrit literatures in simple kannada. Like that he called veerashaivas as Ligayat. Basavanna Guru Shri.Jataveda Muni (Eeshan Guru) was shivacharyya of a math which belongs to one of the panchapeeta. So there sould not be any division between veerashaivas and lingayats.This is as per understanding and knowledge.
Deletedear author dont try to restrict basava to the so called unconcerned sect. Guru bassava is a prophet, world humanitarian,who is capable stand beyond all the prophets o the world. he established Lingayat religion. he not at related with veershaiva in any way. pleas correct the above article
ReplyDeleteYou have just added some false stories too for personal interest.
Deletei think basavanna also a politician. but he failed to create in favour situation because lack of his wiseness. Illavadare avarige mantri patta yaake bekittu. Idu namma ARAVINDA KEJRIVAL madidante, bhrastachara virodhada hesarinalli rajakeeyavaagi beleyuvudu.
DeleteWaht you are you dont know , you are nothing in front of lord Basvanna
DeleteThanks to author for such Good story of Basava.
ReplyDeleteI've visited His places in Basvakalyan.
Many says Lord Basava Which means Basava is a god. and Almost 90% of lingayaths are dont know vachana's of basava, and they says we are high caste people which is completely opposite to Basava's teachings.
I respect Basava, Even he read vedas and all, no one said that Basava thinks for moksha (Eternal life) and We dont know that Basava Either got moksha or not.
many lingayath people are just forgot basava, and anubhava mantpa, many lingayath are not discussing about religious things as Bavasa and all used to discuss in anubhava mantap., What they discuss is only about basava and the works of their forefathers and they just rejects the who says something true about God which basava dont know.
Vedas are clearing telling about many things about:
1. How to come out from sin.
Papokam, papa kanmokam, papathma papa samphava; thrahimam Pundarikaksha sarva papa hari hare…
Which means, I am born in sin, doer of sin, and a sinful self; I am the worst of all sinners, Lord save me from all my sins. Why sin is a hurdle? Because, it is an offense against God (Rig Veda 7.86.3).
2.How to wash our sins completely and Enter in Moksha( Eternal life)
Man out of his own wisdom and knowledge, invented many ways such as Karma marga (way of works), Gnana marga (way of knowledge), Yoga marga (way of concentrating mind) and Bhakti marga (way of devotion), to get rid of this bondage of sin.
Also Vedas says MUKTI (Deliverance from sin) IS NOT BY KARMA OR DHARMA:
According to Bhagavat Gita, God does not accept karma either good or bad, as far as redemption of the soul is concerned (B.G 2.50). Viveka Chudamani verse 147 says that, “neither weapons, nor wind, nor fire, nor millions of deeds can remove this bondage.
Thertiriya Aranyaka verse 3 says, “Sarvapapa pariharo raktha prokshna mavasyam” which means, that the redemption is through shedding of blood only. For this purpose God allowed mankind to sacrifice animals, in order to make them realize that there is a penalty for everyone’s sins. Though the animal’s blood is not a substitute, it was expected that man would repent and turn away from his sinful ways, by seeing the blood of the animal which is being shed on his behalf. But mankind started practicing it just as a ritual, and thus came into condemnation.
If mankind were to be saved from this predicament, as Thertiriya Aranyaka 3rd verse says again, “…thad raktham Paranatmena punyadena baliyagam” which means, that blood has to be through the sacrifice of God himself. The Purusha Sukta says, there is no other way other than the sacrifice of Purusha Prajapati. Purushao vava yagna (Chandokya Upanishad 3.16.1), God, the Purusha is the sacrifice. Sama Veda Dandiya Mahabhramanam says, “Prajapathi devapyam aathmanam yagnam kruthva prayachita” which means, God will offer himself as a sacrifice for the redemption of mankind. Sathpatha Bhramanam says, “Prajapathi yagnayaga”.
If ligyaths can discuss these points then everyone can agree that they are following rules of anubhava mantap.
Let there be One God for us., seek the God in all the religious books and finally
so nicely you have presented the truth. i'm very much impressed about your knowledge in vedas. could you help me more about Basvanna sayings about salvation or moksha, which lingayat speaks about Ashtavarana
ReplyDeleteThe Rig Veda specifies ten important requirements for the sacrificial Purusha.
Kaatyaayana Srautasootram describes in chapter six, that water and fire were to be used for the purification of the animals, since blameless (defectless) animals are not available in this world.
While sacrificing the horse, the sacrificial horse is always separated from other horses. A bush of thorns is usually placed on the head of the horse to inform the people that this horse is separated for the sacrifice. Also the head of the horse is considered to represent the Purusha (Sathapatha Brahmana 13th kanda, 6.2.2).
In Itareya Brahmana it is written that the sacrificial animal should be rejected by its father, mother, brother, sister and friends (2.16).
Rig Veda 5.46.1 says, “Like a horse I have yoked myself, well knowing to the pole. I seek neither release nor turning back”.
In Satapata Brahmana it is written, never do they immolate an animal without tying it to a pole. “Na varute yapaat pasum alabhate kadachana (III-7.3.1)”. It is important to tie the animal to a sacrificial pillar before it is sacrificed. This pillar is called “Yupastampa (sacrificial pillar)”, which has now become a flag mast.
Bruhat Aranyaka Upanishad ( says, “Tvacha evasya rudhiram, prasyandi tvacha utpatah, Tasmaattadarunnaat praiti, raso vrukshadi vahataat”. As the sap comes of the cut tree, blood comes out of the Purusha who is cut.
In Itareya Brahmana 2.6 it is stated that the sacrifice separates the twenty-six ribs of the animal without breaking them.
The Bruhat Aranyaka Upanishad says, “Yad Vruksho vrukshano rohati, mulannavatharah punah, martyah svinmrutyuna vruknah, kasmaanmulaat prarohati, Retasa iti maavocata, jivatastat praja yate, dhanaruh a iva val crau vruksho, anjasaa pretya sammbhava”, which means, if the tree is cut, it will grow again from its root. But after the man (martyah) was cut off by death, from which root does he come forth? Do not say that he is from the ratas (seed or semen) because ratas comes from the one who lives. Remember this man is dead. But this man (Purusha) comes alive on his own.
In Satapata Brahmana (,2) we find that Prajapati gave Himself up to them, thus the sacrifice became theirs, and indeed the sacrifice is the food of the gods (saints).
Verse 8 in Purusha Sukta explains, Tasmaad yagnatsarvahutah, pasuntamscakre voayaryaa, naananyaan gramyaasca ye. By that sacrifice, all these originated: sprinkled ghee and all kinds of animals of the sky, forest and country. The significance of sprinkled ghee represents the original sacrifice.
Verse 9 of Purusha Sukta says: Tasmaad yagnat sarvahuta, nucha samaari jagnire, Chandaamsi jagnine, tasmaad yajustas naada jaayatah. From that sacrifice, Purusha offered everything that he had, including the Rig, Sama, Yazur Vedas and the Chandas (sacred writings).
In the Bible it is written, “Do not bring anything with a defect, because it will not be accepted on your behalf” (Leviticus 22:20). “Whether male or female, present before the Lord an animal without defect” (Leviticus 3:1). “In Him (Jesus Christ) there was no sin” (1 John 3:5).
The Bible says, “the soldiers platted a crown of thorns, and put it on his head, and they put on him a purple robe” John 19:2, thus separating Him from others.
The Prophet Isaiah wrote, “He (Jesus Christ) was despised and rejected and they shouted to crucify him”. Jesus said on the cross, “Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani”, which means, “My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?” (Matthew 27:46).
“He was oppressed and afflicted, yet He did not open his mouth. He was led like a lamb to the slaughter and as a sheep before the shearers is silent” (Isaiah 53:7).
Psalms 118:27 says, “bind the sacrifice with cords, even unto the horns of the altar”.
This was fulfilled in Jesus Christ when he was nailed to the cross. “He did not enter by means of the blood of goats and calves; but entered the most holy place once for all by His own blood, having obtained eternal redemption. Without shedding of blood there is no redemption” (Hebrews 9:12,22).
In the Bible, Exodus 12:46 says that the bones of the animal should not be broken. Nine hours after crucifixion, “when they (soldiers) came to Jesus, and saw that he was dead already, they broke not his legs” (John 19:33).
“Him (Jesus Christ) God raised up the third day, and showed him openly” (Acts 10:40). “But now is Christ risen from the dead, and become the firstfruits of them that slept” (1 Corinthians 15:20).
(To Be Continued in next post)
Praise the Lord
ReplyDeleteAt the last supper Jesus took the bread, gave thanks and gave it to his disciples saying, “Take and eat; this is my body. Then He took the cup, gave thanks, and offered it to them, saying, Drink from it, all of you. This is my blood of the new covenant, which is shed for many, for the forgiveness of sins” (Matthew 26:26,27).
“He who did not spare His own son, but gave him up for us all, how will he not also, along with him graciously give us all things?” (Romans 8:32).
For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God. Romans 3:23.
All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned everyone to his own way; and the LORD has laid on him the iniquity of us all. Isaiah 53:6.
For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. Romans 6:23.
And according to the law almost all things are purged with the blood, and without shedding of blood there is no remission. Hebrews 9:22.
But God commended his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. Romans 5:8.
For He has made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him. 2 Corinthians 5:21.
The blood of Jesus Christ, His Son cleanses us from all sin. 1 John 1:7.
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son, that whosoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. John 3:16.
Herein is love, not that we loved God, but that he loved us, and sent His Son to be the propitiation for our sins. 1 John 4:10.
That if you shall confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus, and shall believe in your heart that God has raised him from the dead, you will be saved. Romans 10:9.
Or do you underestimate His wealth of kindness and tolerance and enduring patience, unmindful that God’s kindness is meant to lead you toward repentance?. But in line with your obstinacy and impenitence of heart you are treasuring up for yourself anger for the day of anger and the revealing of the righteous judgment of God, who will reward each person according to his deeds. Romans 2:4-6.
For there is no partiality with God. Romans 2:11.
Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved. Acts 4:12.
So today if you hear His voice, harden not your heart, but come boldly unto the throne of grace, that you may obtain mercy, pardon and ETERNAL LIFE (MOKSHA).
Come unto Me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28.
Behold, I stand at the door, and knock; if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with Me. Revelation 3:20.
I am the way, the truth and life; no one comes to the Father except through Me. John 14:6.
Verily, verily, I say unto you, he that hears My word, and believes in Him that sent Me, has everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life. John 5:24.
For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? Mark 8:36.
ReplyDeleteOhm Shri Brahmaputraya namaha: Oh Lord, The Son of God, we praise you.
Ohm Shri Umathyaya namaha: Oh Lord who is born of the Spirit, we praise you.
Ohm Shri kanni sudhaya namaha: Oh Lord who is born of a virgin, we praise you.
Ohm Shri tharithra narayanaya namaha: Oh Lord who became poor for our sake, we praise you.
Ohm Shri vidhiristaya namaha: Oh Lord who is circumcised, we praise you.
Ohm Shri panchagayaya namaha: Oh Lord who bore five wounds on your body, we praise you.
Ohm Shri vruksha shul aruthaya namaha: Oh Lord who offered yourself as a sacrifice on a trishool like tree (three headed spear), we praise you.
Ohm Shri mruthyam jaya namaha: Oh Lord who got victory over death, we praise you.
Ohm Shri shibilistaya namaha: Oh Lord who willingly offered your flesh to be eaten by your saints, we praise you.
Ohm Shri thatchina moorthyaya namaha: Oh Lord who is seated by the side of the Father, we praise you.
Ohm Shri maha devayaya namaha: Oh Lord who is Lord of lords, we praise you.
Bhavishya Mahapurana, book three, chapter two, verse 34 says, “Ko bhavaanithi tham praaha Sobhovaachamudaanwitha: Eshaputhram cha maam vidhi Kumaaree garbha sambahavam Aham Eesa Maseeha nama:” which means, (king Saka asks) “May I know who you are? That man replied happily, I am the Son of God, born to a virgin. My name is Eesa Maseeha.”.
The festival of Shivarathri is celebrated by keeping a vigil throughout that night to thank god who had saved a hunter, who lost his way in the jungle.
The Bible says that the Lord kept a vigil on the day of Passover and delivered the people of Israel from Egypt. In remembrance of this day and to honor the Lord, the Israelites in turn keep a vigil on this night every year.
On this day, God instructed Moses to mark the main doors of their houses and the top and two side posts with the blood of the lamb, which was to be sacrificed by each family, as a mark of identification for the purpose of protection. These same markings with the red powder can be seen in every Indian house, even today.
While on a journey, Jacob slept for the night by keeping a stone as a pillow and dreamt, seeing angels of God ascending and descending on a ladder set between earth and heaven, and the Lord stood above it. Next morning he took the stone, and set it up as a pillar, and poured oil over it, and he named that place as Bethel (house of God). In India also one can see the stone with oil, which has become “Shivalinga”.
In the Bible, God told Moses to bring a red heifer without spot and kill it as a sacrifice for the Lord. Her skin, her flesh, blood and dung shall be burnt. A clean man shall gather up the ashes of the heifer and keep it in the holy place. This ash will be mixed with water and will be sprinkled on the body of the people, for the purpose of purification from their sins (Numbers 19:1-9).
During the Vedic period, three different kinds of sacrifices were in practice. 1. Nara (human) medhya (body) yagna (sacrifice), 2. Ko (cow) medhya yagna, 3. Aswa medhya yagna. For Ko medhya yagna, the cow should be a red one. Even today, if a Brahmin wants to do some ceremonial duty in his house, he will look for a red cow and do pooja before it. The sacrificial cow has now become a sacred cow, because cow is no longer sacrificed by law. Therefore, people burn only the cow’s dung and they collect these ashes and mix it with water and apply it on their body or generally on their forehead as “Vibhooti”.
ReplyDeleteSince the sacrificed cow was to be positioned upside down on the altar before burning, a long three headed fork like tool was used. In addition, to collect and store these ashes, several types of vessels were used. In the Bible the Lord told, “you shall make its pans to receive its ashes, and its shovels and its basins and its forks and its fire pans; you shall make all its utensils of bronze” (Exodus 27:3).
Similarly in the Indian temples also, all these vessels are made out of bronze. Ever since the sacrifices have been stopped, the meat fork with three-headed spear is kept near the altar in front of the temple. This has now become “Trishool”.
In the Bible, the priest, while he is inside the holy of the holiest part of the temple, should make a sound with the bells, as well as while coming out of it. He should have his undergarments from the waist to the knee. The sacrificial animal should have a small string, bearing the name of the family. The priest should mention the name of the family and then sacrifice. He should wear an engraved plate on his turban saying, “Holy to the Lord” (Exodus 28:34-37,42).
In the Indian temples also, when the priest goes inside the holy of the holiest place for prayer, he makes the noise of the bell and comes out with the noise of the bell. He wears a piece of cloth from his hip to the knee over his clothing. When the people bring their offerings to God, he always asks them on whose name should it be offered?
As the Bible says, that “God is a Spirit, and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth (John 4:24)”, the Yazur Veda also says, “Nathasya prathima asityasya nammahastha (32:3)”, God has no image and His name is Holy.
The Bruhat Aranyaka Upanishad says, “Vagya vai Brahmma”, the word is Brahmma (creator). Brahmmavindu Upanishad says, “Shabdo vai Brahmma”, the voice is Brahmma and “Shabdaksharam Param Brahmma”, the voice and word became absolute God.
The Bible says, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God … and the Word was made flesh (Jesus)” (John 1:1,14).
Jesus Christ can only Save the all of Us Fron Hell(naraka) because He is the one who sacrificed Himself for remission of our sins and Gives us Moksha (eternal life) for Free of Cost to those who believe that Jesus died for my Sins and cleaned me from my sins.
Come to Jesus and believe his sacrifice and ask him to forgive your sins and get Eternal life for Free!!
This comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteYou can't cheat sane people, go and cheat poor people with Rice bag to convert them. How cruel the Bible God is known to all ,
DeleteDear Raju Shetty,
ReplyDeleteJesus is a great person to be born on earth. Basavanna brought revolution in 12th century in India. He worked against the establishment where exploitation of the shudras occured systmatically.He empowered common man with way of life where one is respected for his virtue and simple way of living as humanly as possible.
This comment has been removed by the author
DeleteVarna system is NOT caste system.Caste system is introduced by human beings based on their greed. Varna means the basic nature of the soul.In varna system, a person born as a shudra according to caste system can be a brahmin according to varna system.That person might be highly interested in studying and following vedas and upanishads making him a brahmin.
ReplyDeleteIf you are not aware of all the facts, you should not write misleading statements.You are creating a big problem in the society by saying wrong things.First try to understand what the vedas and upanishads say (these are NOT dependent on any castes/varnas) about varna system and then comment about it.
If a person becomes a Brahmin by learning Vedas will a Brahmin (by birth ) eat food offered by this shudra turned Brahmin and allow him to worship God along with him?
Deleteyes why not?
DeleteKanaka dasaru is the perfect example for this. God himself accepted him and all the respectable saints of his time like Vyasaraja accepted him but the humans from the Krishna temple did not allow him inside the temple bound by the customs set forth by the society. So a true brahmin will accept anybody seeking to know the brahman.
DeleteRightly said.
DeleteMoreover basavanna's aim was to remove casteism [& not varna neeti] from society. But what are we seeing today? I've never seen a lingayat family happily marrying off their daughters with people of other sects of the society. This destroys the basic intention of basavanna. They have become fundamentalists, just like some muslims in our society.
In the article, it is said that he had read all Vedas and Upanishads. If it was true, he'd never thought of creating new sect in the society, instead he'd have debated with intellects, win over them and bring change in the society by letting people know the difference between jaati and varna and wouldn't have opted to create a new group of people in the name of religion[ಮತ].
Casteism (ಜಾತಿ ಪದ್ದತಿ) is nowhere defined in our Vedas,Upanishads or bhagavadgeeta.
Valmiki was from a family of hunter- still considered as best among brahmans
Veda vyasa was born to a fisher woman, considered as Brahman of highest grade
Vishwamitra was a kshatriya.
The history says it all that there was no casteism either in Hindu ethnicity or in Sanathana dharma.
Sanathana dharma is not just about praying of god, it is a comprehensive study of the very creation of God. It is a way of life.
It is scientific and do not propogates unscientific actions in the society. It doesn't have any prophets.
varna, caste, jati, tribe whatever you call, by birth or not . is not about God/ love. But Krishna says in BG he divided them into 4 based on their vocation? what business he had in dividing people?
Deleteawesome.... to read
ReplyDeletebasavasena pratishthan mitra mandal chikkahalli akkalkot taluka jila solapur
ReplyDelete“There are things known and there are things unknown, and in between are the doors of perception”. – Aldous Huxley
ReplyDeleteInteresting to read everyone defending their own perceptions :-)
Goodness is God!
A grand salute to his ideology,philosophy ... Nicely written !!!
ReplyDeleteRespected author
ReplyDeletei admire basava a lot n belive in his almost ideology
one of his thoughts says that a widow. Should not have to sacrifice any thing after her husband pass away
i would like to know more about that
pls share
Basavanna founded the religion called lingayata
ReplyDeleteAnd not veerashiva and our religious script is vachana sahitya
Basavanna founded the religion called lingayata
ReplyDeleteAnd not veerashiva and our religious script is vachana sahitya
Please explain the difference between veerashiva and limgayat dharma in plain language. Both of you worship vedic god Shiva (Rudra) and you say we are not Hindus.What type of logic is this?
ReplyDeleteThe founder of Lingayat dharma is guru basaveshwara who was a veera shaiva lingadhri brahmin. Veerashyva was brought to existence by shivapanchacharyas during good old vedic days itself. We are definitely Hindus and worship ishtalinga by abhishekam for the attainment of moksha.
DeleteBasavanna came out of hinduism. it was rigid to him don't
Deleteargue that he was so called Hindu. if he is Hindu then renounce the idol worship and superstition beliefs.
What linga you wear all the time , isn't it Idol worship ?
DeletePlease explain the difference between veerashiva and limgayat dharma in plain language. Both of you worship vedic god Shiva (Rudra) and you say we are not Hindus.What type of logic is this?
ReplyDeleteIf we just read Jcagadguru Basavanna's Vachana and try to inculcate his preaching in our lives we may not have any differences within humanity; leave alone veershaiva & lingayat dharma..
ReplyDeleteI meant Jagadguru Basavanna
ReplyDeleteGood article. Great comments. Enjoyed it.
ReplyDeletesimply telling dat life is Maya is not philosophy...v have to practically achieve it... lord Basavanna has achieved...i couldn't see anyone of upper caste saints who conducted inter caste marriage or else building world,s first parliament..where every 1 can express his views on life..philosophy is not simply mere words wit bunch of disciples shud b proved in broad is worship...
ReplyDeletesimply telling dat life is Maya is not philosophy...v have to practically achieve it... lord Basavanna has achieved...i couldn't see anyone of upper caste saints who conducted inter caste marriage or else building world,s first parliament..where every 1 can express his views on life..philosophy is not simply mere words wit bunch of disciples shud b proved in broad is worship...
ReplyDeleteIf I say "Basava is everything", is that not philosophy?
Deleteread these:
Really great healthy discussion on.
ReplyDeleteFor more
ReplyDeletei want to have vachanas audio or video in telugu or english or hindi.
I got to know all the preactices told by lord basavana has practical explanation if possible i need it plz help me if anyone knows link.
DeleteWell written..Great
ReplyDeleteWow.... Awesomely written
ReplyDeleteLingayatha samaja has completely failed in bringing peoples to unity peace... still by date lingayath peoples hates and became intollerent for others.... by the final day it was a nice attempt to successful futures failure
ReplyDeleteidu bagasa sattya mundondu divas guru basavannaanuru mattu lingyatdharma jagthin tumba hardutte idu sattya
ReplyDeletelingyath religion was founded by vishguru basaveshwar in 12th centuary OM SHRI GURU main mantra for all lingyaths this mantra will be head line of all lingytah ,religion books .BASAVANNANAVARu WAS CALLED VISHWAGURU BY ALl sharanas of12th period.lingyaths were worship ISTALINGA not stavarlinga istaling is also called as GOD devaru.
ReplyDeleteRaju Shetty ,Our Sacrificial animal is your jesus Christ Great !!! Then Hindus should sacrifice jesus in temples .
ReplyDeleteOhm Shri panchagayaya namaha--great meaning man giving your twisted meaning .Your god jehovah has only one child Jesus .--what a great logic .Shararanamvali says of shiva only .Dont' fake meanings .panchagayaya refers to pacha bhutas under lord shiva .Basava is an avatar of Nandi ,a vehicle of Lord shiva .
you should study vedas then you can understand. very funny comments you made. i could understand that this is because of your religiostic not reality. even you dont know what ae pancha bhutas and how it link to panchagaya.
Deleteplease i advice turn to vedas . Basvanna renounced your so called hinduism practices.
Raju Shetty ,Christ cannot save everyone from hell .Infact, Many people will not go kingdom of God . Jesus christ prays on your behalf to enter kingdom of God .If the entire world is full of Christians we already had 2 world wars with few countries of christanity . there would be another 3th and 4th war .
ReplyDeletePreach from the scriptures what you know .Dont fake !!!
This is almost exactly the same story narrated by grandparents many years ago,, but aradhya brahmins are lingadhri brahmins and different from smartha brahmins,, gotras are different too..
ReplyDeleteವಿಶ್ವಗುರು ಬಸವಣ್ಣ ರವರ ೧೨೬೪(1264) ವಚನಗಳನ್ನು ಈ ಕಿರುತಂತ್ರಾಂಶದಲ್ಲಿ ಅಳವಡಿಸಲಾಗಿದೆ.
ಬಸವಣ್ಣ ರವರ ವಚನಗಳು ಪ್ರತಿಯೊಬ್ಬರಿಗೂ ತಲುಪಬೇಕೆಂಬ ಆಶಯ ನನ್ನದು.
ಈ ನಿಟ್ಟಿನಲ್ಲಿ ನನ್ನದೊಂದು ಸಣ್ಣ ಪ್ರಯತ್ನ ಈ ಕಿರುತಂತ್ರಾಂಶ.
ಕಿರುತಂತ್ರಾಂಶವನ್ನು ಕೆಳಗಿನ ಕೊಂಡಿಯನ್ನು ಬಳಸಿ ತಮ್ಮ ಮೊಬೈಲ್ ನಲ್ಲಿ ಡೌನ್ಲೋಡ್ ಮಾಡಿ .
ಸಾಧ್ಯವಾದಲ್ಲಿ ಇತರರಿಗೂ ಕಳುಹಿಸಿ.
Lingayatism is different dharma.. its teaches equality ,humanity, love irrespective of cast and sex discrimination.. its different religion . Its dont follows vedas and Upanishads and idol worship.. its best religion in world with simple philosophy.. unfortunately majority of lingayats don't know about this..
ReplyDeleteI am a Veerashaiva Lingayata by caste, and nobody taught his vachanas. I have only heard his only saying "kayakave kailasa".
DeleteAnd i appreciate your comment.
From Vedic period to till today I have not observed or heard of any brahmin family keeping their babies the names of basavanna, neelambike or nagalambike, madarasa or madalambike etc. With all these facts I believe Basavanna family was a Veerashaiva family. And how could a Veerashaiva family do upanayanam to their son Basavanna at the age of 8?
ReplyDeleteYou are very right. Badavanna's parents were smartha Brahmins, followers if Adi Shankara. They do not distinguish between Shiva and Vishnu. They wear Bhasma or Vibhuti on their foreheafs. It is incorrect to state that they are Veerasaiva Brahmins.This is a later addition to te story.
DeleteBut this also introduced one more anamoly. These peopke after conversion removed Hanivara and wore linga dara. All converted Brahmins, kept their elevated positions as Aaradhyas and Panchacharyas. Madivala and chammarcontinued to be as they were earlier. Whete is te sicial reformation?
Dear sir,
DeleteBasavanna was half brahmin by birth so it is obvious as a brahmin culture to do upanayanam.
Since he did not like the distinguished superiority in the caste he formed new society to educate that no caste is superior or inferior, just all are equal and devotee of god.
At those times his education system was poison for brahmins and uppercaste people, so they revolt a fight and kicked him off kalyan.
When brahmin people doesn't like at that time, and they are very strict with their rules and religion to all time, then how do accept that any brahmin to keep his name to his children.
The story was fair enough.
So i say stop critics in religion.
The follower never been stopped.
Kayakave kailasa.
Please Kannada edition
ReplyDeleteWhat a nice story to read ��������������
ReplyDeleteJust a correction, Basavanna was Treasury Incharge, not A Mahamantri.In those days, all Ministers and Treasurers and Courtiers, wore turbans not crowns as depicted invarioys paintings
ReplyDeleteBasaweshwara started a movement which clearly said one God for everyone because everybody is equal but ironically just like Buddhism & Jainism,the movement became a religion by itself.Will the ligayats today marry a dalit or a kuruba or a marakala or a christian or a muslim or a buddhist or a jain-NO! When it comes to marriage and religion, all communities are self-centered and rigid.So, why just blame the poor Brahmins for everything. The fact is, in today's India they are the most discriminated and deprived of the entire lot.
ReplyDeleteBecause entire edifice of Indian culture is product of their Brain. They created vedas, upanishads, puranas, smriti.. These all formed the basis of so called culture, which runs down deep in veins. We are suffering from last 2000 years because of these, One dont how we can get out of this rigmarole. Thats why great Enlightened persons like Basava have to say "Loaded with the burden of the Vedas,the Brahmin is a veritable donkey"
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ReplyDeleteWith time everything going to change birth and death like .... this universe too under change continuously for something and again change for different... our thinking we may decide true ro false change with time... So: Allah created by violence thought good and bad things recorded in a kuran and wisely protected by some dictat to last it long same thing christianity same thing vedas or basava or some more like vivekananda.... one thing is true birth and death it is chemistry i feel religion is creation of some imagination mind soothing in trouble time let us practice it in our own way without blind belief and logical way.
ReplyDeleteNice vachana movement
ReplyDeleteWow! amazing post..
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Philosophy of basavesBasav
ReplyDeleteWhatever legend may say about Basava the fact is pretty clear that he was the first Indian free thinker. He might be called the Luther of India the acknowledge leadership of the priests was in full swing when Basava came upon the scene and there was a movement on foot to replace caste and priestly authority with intelligence and free thinking Basava a shaivaite Brahmin, was in the camp of liberals.
ReplyDeleteHe mounted the rostrum for the abolition of caste and ceremonies and preached that all men by birth equal that one sex was important as another. That child marriage was wrong and widows should be permitted to re marry he promised the Lingayat's the freedom of individual action. All wherever of divine Linga , where to occupy a common level. They were to eat together and intermarry.
-Arthor Miles (Land of Lingama, London 1933 P-iii)
“Rev. N. C. Sargent aptly says, “Basava’s aim was not to oppose or propose any religious or philosophical system; but to show people the existing social and religious evils and, if possible, to remove these evils from society”.[1]
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteIt is no exaggeration to say that message of Basava is like a reservoir into which all previous thoughts flowed in and from which all later thoughts flowed out. Kind like Buddha, simple like Mahaveera, gentle like Jesus, Bold like Mohammad. Basava strikes us as almost as a wonder of creation. But what attracts us almost to him are those teachings of his in which he anticipated the greatest of modern thinkers Karl marks & Mahatma Gandhi.
ReplyDelete- K.S. Srikanthan
We have Linga ,
ReplyDeleteWe told as Lingayata
What shall I tell these men?
Further lean towards worldly Shaiva deities O Lord Kalideva.
Where did u find Jesus being gentle towards religious people?
ReplyDeleteI thought that I can take a information about the Lord Vishwa guru basavanna....When I searched in google Wikipedia it showing like uncountable page to get the information about loard basavanna at that time I thought it is incredible to know so easy about lord basavanna........jai Basava....from kalburgi...RudruGowdha.
ReplyDeleteJai basava
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ReplyDeleteJai shivabasava
ReplyDeleteOh! for F sake, correct his birth place information - he was born in Basavana Bagewadi, it is in Vijayapura district, Karnataka.
ReplyDeleteIDK how much of other information you got it right.
Readers, cross check everything. There could be more wrong information.
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ReplyDeleteBasavaraj king
ReplyDeletesituation in Kalyana to Basavanna who was stunned on hearing the tragic news. He was under great shock to hear the murder of Bijjala who was his friend apart from being his brother-in-law, atrocities on Sharanas and the efforts to destroy Vachana literature. He could not tolerate the catastrophe. There was nobody around him to console. He could not do any thing. Pronouncing “Saku madai thande lokadatavaninnu” (Oh God, please end my role in this world) he sat for meditation rejecting food and water at the place of confluence of Krishna and Malaprabh rivers. He never got up again, he died. Pull of womanhood overtook the pull of philosophy on Neelambike at Kalyana. She abruptly left for Kudala Sangama to join her husband. But it was too late. She could get only the lifeless body of Basavanna sitting in meditation mood.
ReplyDeleteSome selfish hypocrites were responsible for the loss of a precious life of Kannada Nadu. If Bijjala had cooperated with Basavanna in his brave efforts to reform the society, caste system would have been totally eradicated in Karnataka. Bijjala’s name would have been recorded in the history with Basavanna if he had dared to advise a few people to mend their behavior and Karnataka would have been a model state in the whole country without any castes.
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